Shingon japanese esoteric buddhism book

It is a school of tantra with as much depth and authority as the wellknown tibetan schools. My aikido sensei recommended the book japanese esoteric buddhism on his blog. This book traces the history of the school from its mysterious origins in india and describes the remarkable men who brought the teachings to china and japan in the eighth and ninth centuries, who translated the texts, and who carried the initiatic chain of teaching it discusses the metaphysical doctrines of shingon, its founding scriptures, and its views on levels of. Transformative and meaningful travel can shift our perspectives and help us gain a deeper understanding of lineage and practice. We take groups to japan, and our sister temples in the us, and hawaii. In this book, yamasaki presents a scholarly representation of the history, lineage, beliefs and practices of the shingon school. Shingon buddhism has temples along the us west coast, hawaii, and japan. Japanese esoteric buddhism is the first comprehensive study of the subject to appear in any western language. Shingon esoteric buddhism is considered by many to be the perfection of buddhadharma. For centuries these esoteric teachings were kept secret, were never written, and were revealed only to initiates. Anytime i search for it, zen seems to over clout the market.

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